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View Spare Parts by Function

Spare parts are available for our range of tapware and accessories.

Please use the Browse By filter or the categories under the top menu to help narrow your selection.

Identifying the part you require can be done in a couple of different ways.

The majority of spare parts per product range with diagrams and part codes are listed within our full price list documents and on this website's catalogue.

Alternatively, please take a photo of the part you require along with a photo of the overall tapware and email them to for assistance. Please include a contact phone number as sometimes the combination of a photo with a quick phone call is the best way to clarify an enquiry.

Please ensure that photos sent to us are clear and of a decent size. Ensure measurements on tape measures or rulers are visible in the photo.

Metal Finish Info Icon
  • Unless noted, all pricing shown below is the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) for the Chrome Plate metal finish (this is the finish code: CP).
  • Please use the Finish Code drop-down menu on the individual product pages to view pricing for other metal finishes, such as brass, gold, copper and other colours.
  • The Finish Code drop-down menu on the product page provides you with the list of metal finishes that a particular product is available in.
  • The Finishes Guide tab on the product page is helpful for selecting the right metal finish.